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Bodenmessgerät zur Ermittlung des pH-Werts im Boden wird in den Boden gesteckt, kleine Pflänzchen im Hintergrund zu erkennen

Silicon (Si)

What is silicon important for?

One of the main functions of silicon for plants is to strengthen the cell walls. Silicon is incorporated into the cell walls in the form of silicic acid, which makes them more stable and resistant to pests and diseases. As a result, plants can be better protected against environmental stressors such as drought or pest infestation.

Silicon deficiency symptoms in the plant

  • Leaf discolouration: A lack of silicon can lead to a yellowish or grey discolouration of the leaves, especially at the edges and tips. The leaves may also show brown spots or stripes.
  • Deformed leaves or flowers: A lack of silicon can cause leaves or flowers to be deformed or stunted.

What increases a silicon deficiency?

  • Acidic soils: Silicon is often available in lower amounts in acidic soils, as it is less soluble in an acidic environment. This can make it more difficult for the plant to absorb silicon.
  • Lack of water: Inadequate irrigation can reduce silicon uptake by plants, as the trace element is taken up by the roots and needs sufficient moisture to be transported into the plant.
  • Deficiency of other nutrients: Deficiencies of other nutrients such as calcium, magnesium or phosphorus can interfere with the uptake of silicon by plants and lead to deficiency.
  • Salt load: A high salt concentration in the soil can affect the uptake of silicon by plants, as salts can reduce the availability of silicon.

Our product recommendation
