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Kleine, zweiblättrige Pflanze mit Tropfen am Blatt
Farbiger Kreis, hellgrau

What is Lebosol®-Potassium 450?

Lebosol®-Kalium 450 is a high-quality liquid foliar fertiliser specially developed to supply plants with potassium and promote their growth. With a high potassium content of 450 g/l, this fertiliser offers a concentrated and effective solution for supplying potassium to crops.

How does Lebosol®-Potassium 450 work?

Potassium is one of the most important main nutrients needed in large quantities by crops. More information on this element can be found in our glossary.

What are advantages of Lebosol®-Potassium 450?

  • Rapid nutrient uptake: Direct potassium uptake via the leaf promotes growth and the ability of plants to cope with abiotic stress (e.g. drought).
  • Improved fruit colouration and firmness & winter hardiness: Strengthens resistance to adverse conditions.
  • Versatile use: Suitable for all agricultural crops.


For correct product application, we recommend these dosages in the respective crop.

Pome fruit

For what?Fruit firmness and size, sugar formation, more vitality (e.g. in cold weather), red colouring
How often?2 – 4 times 5 l/ha
When?From the end of June fruit drop

Stone fruit

For what?Fruit firmness and size, sugar formation, increased vitality (e. g. in cold conditions)
How often?2 – 4 times 5 – 10 l/ha
When?From fruit set


For what?Reduction in susceptibility to blue/black spot, vitality, stress tolerance
How often?2 – 4 times 5 – 10 l/ha
When?From 6-leaf stage

Sugar beet

For what?Vitality, stress tolerance, sugar formation
How often?2 – 3 times 6 – 10 l/ha
When?From 6-leaf stage

General vegetables

For what?Durability, quality, increased vitality (e. g. in cold conditions)
How often?2 – 4 times 5 – 10 l/ha
When?Once sufficient leaf mass has developed

Your crop is not there?

Here you can download all recommendations of Lebosol®-Potassium 450.


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