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Foliar fertilisation in pome fruits

The foliar fertilization with micro-nutrients (e.g. manganese, iron, magnesium) is a standard in modern fruit production.

Foliar products can be used preventive as integrated part of the fertilizer strategy or in case of identified and/or visual deficiencies as curative solution.

The leaf analysis has proven to be a useful tool for detecting latent nutrient deficiencies.

Spray schedule pome fruit - When to apply Lebosol® fertiliser?

Get our exclusive spray schedule for pome fruit as a PDF now. This special application calendar/fertilisation plan contains carefully selected foliar fertilisers from Lebosol® for pome fruit trees. You will find valuable information about which fertilisers can be used for which purpose, for example for apples, quinces or pears.

You will easily find the best time to apply our high-quality products to ensure efficient and effective fertilisation. Never miss the ideal moment to maximise the full growth potential of e.g. your apple and pear trees with Lebosol®.

Download our unique spray schedule now:

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Nutrient availability

In the soil environment many factors can limit the availability of nutrients – high pH-values can block micro-nutrients, low pH-values can block macro-nutrients. 

But also dry and cold weather conditions, soil texture and some nutrient antagonism (e.g. oversupply with potassium vs. magnesium and calcium) can lead to a deficiency of nutrients.

Specific requirments

The apple has more requirements than the pear in the area of plant nutrition. In apples, elements such as nitrogen (to achieve a high yield), potassium and phosphorus (for optimal colouring with good fruit quality), the creation of a favourable potassium-calcium ratio for firm fruits and a balanced supply of magnesium and manganese to prevent leaf spots play an important role. The pear, on the other hand, is more susceptible to iron chlorosis.

Leaf spots and early leaf fall

Some varieties, especially Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Elstar, Gala and Cox are prone to nutritionally induced leaf necrosis and premature leaf drop. The causes for this are, among others, an undersupply of manganese and magnesium. The combination of Lebosol®-Magnesium 400 SC with Lebosol®-Manganese 500 SC alleviates the symptoms and reduces premature leaf drop.

Blossom quality, fruit set, skin quality

Boron in combination with calcium (Lebosol®-Robustus SC), zinc (Lebosol®-Zinc 700 SC) and amino acids (Aminosol®) has a positive influence on pollen tube growth, flowering, fruit set and reduce of russeting. They can be co-applied before flowering or after harvest. The application of Lebosol®-Robustus SC before flowering improves apple colouring. Boron and zinc also promote calcium absorption.


Phosphorus and potassium have a positive effect on the colouring of the fruit, so that the red overcolour is promoted with several leaf applications from fruit set with Lebosol®-PK-Max. At the same time, phosphorus contributes to better fruit firmness and less flesh browning.

Manganese is responsible for the green background colour, so this can be enhanced with Lebosol®-Manganese GOLD SC in bicoloured varieties.

Iron chlorosis

Pears in particular are prone to iron chlorosis. Iron deficiency is manifested by yellowing of the youngest leaves with dark leaf veins. Early and regular foliar fertilisation with Lebosol®-HeptaIron is a remedy. Lebosol®-HeptaIron is a particularly effective iron leaf fertiliser that can also be used in organic cultivation.