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Foliar fertilisation in potatoes

Potatoes have a specific micro-nutrient demand, for optimized yield and quality, a sufficient supply with the different trace elements will be mandatory.

Over many years leaf analysis are showing micro-nutrient undersupply in cropping potatoes. These deficiencies can be targeted with additional trace-elements treatment.

Spray schedule potato - When to apply Lebosol® fertiliser?

You can now download our handy spray schedule, also known as application calendar or fertilisation schedule, for potatoes as a PDF, which contains all the important Lebosol® foliar fertilisers for potatoes. This calendar will help you find the optimal time to apply our products to ensure efficient and effective fertilisation. So you never miss the right time to improve the full growth potential of your potatoes with Lebosol®.

Download the calendar now and optimise your fertilisation practices!

Open spray schedule

Availability of nutrients

Soil analysis will help as a first step to identify the status of macro and micro-elements.

But a sufficient supply with nutrients into the soil doesn’t mean a sufficient supply and availability for plants. High pH-values can reduce the availability of micro-elements, low ph-values the macro-elements. Weather and soil conditions, for example dry, cold, wet, compaction, can limit the availability of nutrients in the soil. Furthermore, some antagonism (interactions) between the elements can define the availability (potassium is limiting magnesium).

Leaf and petiole analysis help to determine and estimate the current supply and availability of nutrients. According to the results a specific and effective application strategy with foliar fertilizers (micro and macro-elements) can be made.   

After the harvest, you can cross-check with an analysis of the potatoes whether your fertilizer strategy was successful or if some adjustments will be necessary for the next season.

Seed treatment

Potatoes with a sufficient manganese supply will be more resistant to diseases like scab.

The seed treatment with 0.5 l/ha Lebosol®-Manganese GOLD SC can significantly reduce scab occurance, especially under dry conditions.

The efficacy and selectivity of herbicides can be improved by the combination with Herbosol®

To increase the efficacy of herbicides, Herbosol®is acting as an adjuvant and will improve the distribution of soil active herbicides on the ridge surface. The herbicide will be more stable and less susceptible to washing off and shifting of AI’s into the soil.

Aminosol® with 2 – 3 l/ha will help and improve action of post-emergent herbicide.

The early growth states

In the early stages of development, young potatoe plants can not reach nutrients from the soil due to insufficient root system. Especially phosphorus, manganese and boron are often unavailable to the young plants.

Lebosol®-Magphos with 6.0 l/ha and two applications at intervals of 10 - 14 days will improve the tuber formation and thickening of stolons.

For a better tuber growth, 6.0 l/ha Lebosol®-Magphos can be applied after tuber reaching 10 mm in diameter.