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Foliar fertilisation in cabbage, leafy and onion vegetables

How can targeted foliar fertilisation ensure quality and yields in vegetable cultivation?

In the professional cultivation of cabbage, leafy and onion vegetables, foliar fertilisation has established itself as a key method for ensuring a rapid supply of nutrients. Especially in phases when the availability of nutrients in the soil is limited or there is drought. Foliar fertilisation offers an immediate solution. A consistent supply to the plants is crucial to ensure high yields and first-class quality.

Challenges caused by climate change, such as increased radiation intensity and prolonged drought, emphasise the importance of a balanced nutrient supply. The targeted application of liquid fertiliser via the leaves can play a decisive role, particularly in avoiding the consequences of nutrient deficiencies such as internal burn or heart and leaf necrosis. Among other things, this improves storage and transport stability.

Effective immersion treatment for vegetables –

Fertilisation for optimum youth development

Proper preparation of young plants before planting out in the field, especially by dipping, is important for successful juvenile development. Avitar®, an organic NK fertiliser based on a unique formulation of amino acids, algae extract and humic and fulvic acids, not only promotes root growth but also protects the plants from stress. A 2% Avitar® solution is particularly effective in the dip treatment of the roots of cabbage and leafy vegetables to ensure early nutrient uptake.

Seedling treatment with Avitar® provides seedlings with important nutrients right from the start. This method strengthens the plants and increases their resistance to environmental influences. This ultimately leads to an improved yield and more robust plants throughout the growing season.

Efficient herbicide support

Stress reduction in vegetable crops through foliar fertilisation

Plant protection measures, especially the use of herbicides, impair the growth of leafy vegetables, cabbage and onions. Herbosol® improves the compatibility and effectiveness of soil herbicides. At a dosage of 0.4 litres/ha, it reduces the stress on the plants and increases the effectiveness of the herbicides.

In addition, the use of Aminosol® (2 – 3 litres/ha) supports stress management. Amino acids promote the metabolism of vegetable plants, increase photosynthesis and enhance stress tolerance. Particularly after stressful situations such as herbicides or in wet and dry conditions, the use of Aminosol® helps to make plants more resistant and ensure optimum growth.

Heart burn due to calcium deficiency

Prepare cabbage and leafy vegetables effectively

A calcium deficiency in cabbage and leafy vegetables can be caused by nutrient antagonism or rapid growth, even if the calcium content in the soil is sufficient. High concentrations of nitrogen and potassium often block calcium uptake and lead to typical deficiency symptoms such as reduced leaf firmness and dry leaf tips. These problems impair quality and crop yield.

With Lebosol®-Calcium-Forte SC, these deficiency symptoms can be prevented by a leaf-friendly and effective calcium supply. When applied 2 – 3 times at a dosage of 4 – 5 litres/ha, the plants are optimally supplied with calcium. This improves quality and prevents problems such as internal burn and leaf edge necrosis.

Targeted nutrient supply with boron and zinc

Quality assurance and yield increase for cabbage, leafy vegetables and onions

The quality and yield of cabbage, leafy vegetables and onions can be significantly improved by the targeted supply of boron and zinc. These two nutrients promote the absorption and translocation of calcium, which in turn is crucial for the storage and transport quality of the vegetables. Lebosol®-Robustus SC (boron + calcium) and Lebosol®-Zinc 700 SC can be applied several times during the season to optimise the supply.

Application: 2 – 3 times 2 litres/ha: Lebosol®-Robustus SC + 1 litre/ha Lebosol®-Zinc 700 SC.

Undesirable symptoms such as chlorotic lightening and leaf spots impair the quality of cabbage, leaf and onion vegetables. Foliar fertilisation with macro and micronutrients provides a quick remedy and improves leaf quality. A complex plant analysis can be used to precisely determine which nutrients are missing so that targeted fertilisation can then be applied. This always leads to a stabilisation of yield and quality.

Strengthening plants with Lebosol®-Silicon

Effective stress management and better root growth

Lebosol®-Silicon promotes the strengthening of plants against drought stress and increases general stress tolerance. The special formulation enables effective absorption via the leaf, making the plants more resistant to adverse environmental conditions.

In addition, Lebosol®-Silicon supports root growth, resulting in better nutrient uptake and more stable plant growth. By applying 1 – 3 times 0.5 – 1 litre/ha during the growth phase, the stress resistance of the plants can be significantly increased and the quality and yield ensured.

Questions about foliar fertilisation in cole crops, leafy vegetables and bulb vegetables?

Do you have a problem with cole crops, leafy vegetables and bulb vegetables cultivation or questions about using our products? We will be happy to advise you.

These products from Lebosol® are particularly popular in cole crops, leafy vegetables and bulb vegetables: