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Foliar fertilisation in winter and summer oilseed rape

Optimum nutrient supply

Foliar fertilisation of oilseed rape with Lebosol® products is an effective solution for achieving yield potential despite climate change. An optimal supply of essential nutrients is crucial to maximise the yield and oil content of your plants. Our products ensure a fast and targeted supply of nutrients, even in unfavourable weather conditions. Find out how Lebosol® can help you boost performance in oilseed rape cultivation. Discover our specific recommendations and product options for the best possible results.

Optimum seed treatment

How Avitar® supports germination and root growth

As with all other crops, a robust start under challenging growing conditions such as wet and cold is also essential for oilseed rape. A strong root system is the key to efficient water and nutrient uptake. A seed treatment enriched with essential nutrients is of crucial importance in this context. It supports germination and promotes root growth, which contributes to rapid plant establishment and improved adaptability to changing environmental conditions. Avitar® has proven to be a highly effective product in seed treatment.

For optimised youth development of rapeseed, a dosage of 0.4 to 0.5 l/dt Avitar® is recommended for seed treatment.

Effective weed control with Herbosol® in oilseed rape cultivation

Optimised herbicide applications for winter and spring oilseed rape

Herbosol® is your first choice when it comes to efficient and compatible herbicide applications. This additive increases the efficacy of soil herbicides and thus ensures uniform and effective weed control. Herbosol® optimises the adhesion of the active ingredients to the soil, which leads to reduced leaching through precipitation and ensures homogeneous distribution of the spray liquid at the target location.

The standard dose is 0.4 litres/ha. On heavy soils with a high humus content, you should reduce the quantity to 0.2 l/ha, while an increase to 0.6 l/ha is recommended for lighter soils with a low humus content. Herbosol® is suitable for use in all oilseed rape crops and helps to minimise herbicide stress and increase the effectiveness of your weed control, ultimately leading to higher yields.

Our crop flyer on oilseed rape

In our practical flyer you will find all the important information on optimal foliar fertilisation for oilseed rape, including the spraying schedule, the importance of the elements and product recommendations. Take a look here:

Crop flyer oilseed rape

Fertilisation with boron

Optimum boron supply for oilseed rape through foliar fertilisation

Similar to sugar beet, oilseed rape requires significant amounts of boron during its vegetation phase, with the requirement ranging between 300 and 600 g/ha depending on leaf development. The availability of boron in the soil can be limited by drought, high pH values or after liming, and boron loss due to leaching must be taken into account, especially on light soils.

We recommend regular boron foliar fertilisation in autumn and spring as a standard procedure to ensure optimum yields. Lebosol® offers specially developed products for this purpose, Lebosol®-Boron and Lebosol®-AqueBoron SC 150, which effectively supplement the boron supply. In addition to boron, the trace nutrients molybdenum (Lebosol®-Molybdenum) and manganese (Lebosol®-Manganese 500 SC) are particularly important in rapeseed cultivation.

Strong stems in oilseed rape due to silicon fertilisation

Tests emphasise the effect of Lebosol®-Silicon

Lebosol®-Silicon plays a central role in the pre-winter development of oilseed rape by making a decisive contribution to root formation and activity. The combined application of Lebosol®-Boron and Lebosol®-Silicon is recommended for effective root strengthening, making the plant more resistant to frost and water deficiency.

The incorporation of silicon into the cell walls strengthens the stem structure of oilseed rape, resulting in increased mechanical strength. This not only supports more efficient nutrient uptake, but also tolerance to abiotic stress, which ensures yield stability at a high level.

From the 4-leaf stage, the application of 0.5 litres/ha of Lebosol®-Silicon, combined with Lebosol®-Boron and Lebosol®-Manganese 500 SC, is recommended. Trial results show clear advantages of this specific nutrient combination.

Images from the trial in Rotenburg an der Fulda (Hesse; 08/07/2020)

Questions about foliar fertilisation in oilseed rape?

Do you have a problem with oilseed rape or questions about using our products? We will be happy to advise you.

Important for yield and oil content

Why is the sulphur in oilseed rape so important?

A lack of sulphur in rapeseed often leads to reduced yields and lower oil content in the grain. In addition, nitrogen is processed significantly worse by the plant. An insufficient supply of essential micronutrients such as manganese and copper also impairs important physiological processes, including protein and enzyme metabolism and the formation of secondary plant substances.

VITALoSol® GOLD SC offers an optimal combination of sulphur, manganese and copper that is tailored to the needs of oilseed rape. These elements are crucial for activating and strengthening the plant's own defences, improving nitrogen utilisation and promoting resistance to abiotic stress.

We therefore recommend 1 - 3 applications of 2 - 5 litres/ha of VITALoSol® GOLD SC.

Challenges in rapeseed cultivation at the start of the season in spring

Important aspects of macronutrient uptake and winter hardiness

Cold and wet conditions in spring often limit the availability of important nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus. Lebosol®-PK-Max contains these nutrients in high concentrations. Both nutrients applied in good time promote root development and thus increase nutrient uptake in general. So prepare the plants for spring growth in good time. Lebosol®-MagSOFT SC supports photosynthesis with magnesium and strengthens plants against stress, improves phosphorus uptake and promotes leaf greening.

These products from Lebosol® are particularly popular in oilseed rape: