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Foliar fertilisation in wine grapes

Efficient nutrient supply for high-quality grapes

Foliar fertilisation in viticulture plays a decisive role in supplying wine grapes and table grapes with valuable nutrients. Particularly in times of climate change, with more frequent dry periods and intense sunlight, a targeted supply of nutrients via the leaves is essential. Foliar fertilisers can effectively prevent deficiency symptoms caused by impaired nutrient uptake in the soil. In addition, foliar fertilisation supports quality assurance by making essential trace elements such as magnesium, iron and zinc directly available. This improves photosynthesis and promotes even ripening of the grapes.

Even with optimal soil fertilisation, the nutrient uptake of the vines can be impaired by various factors such as high pH values, soil compaction or drought. Foliar fertilisers enable a targeted supply of primary, secondary and trace elements to promote physiological ripeness and must quality. Magnesium, potassium, boron and zinc are particularly important for viticulture, as they have a positive effect on flowering and fruit set. Calcium also supports the firmness of the grapes.

Root formation and yield protection in the vine nursery

Use of amino acids

Thanks to its special composition, Aminosol® promotes root formation and the growth of vines in the nursery. The amino acids and phytohormones it contains support cell division and root growth, which leads to better growth. In combination with Lebosol®-Robustus SC (boron + calcium), Aminosol® improves fruit set and stabilises the cell walls.

The application is carried out 2 - 3 times with 3 - 5 litres/ha Aminosol® and 2 litres/ha Lebosol®-Robustus SC.

Silicon: the key to more stable and resilient plants

How can silicon sustainably improve plant vitality?

Silicon supports numerous important processes in the plant, although it is not considered an essential nutrient. It helps to regulate the water balance, strengthen stress tolerance and promotes the absorption of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. As silicon in the soil often cannot be absorbed in sufficient quantities via the roots, it is used as a foliar fertiliser in the form of stabilised orthosilicic acid.

An application of Lebosol®-Silicon 2 – 4 times at 0.5 – 1 litre/ha improves the berry quality and significantly increases the burst resistance and stress resistance of your plants.

Our wine growing crop flyer

This practical flyer contains all the important information on optimal foliar fertilisation in wine grapes, such as the spraying schedule, the importance of the elements and product recommendations. Take a look here:


Iron chlorosis: causes and solutions for a better iron supply

How can iron chlorosis in wine grapes and table grapes be effectively treated with foliar fertilisation?

Iron chlorosis is a common physiological disorder that is usually caused by impaired iron transport in the plant and not by a genuine iron deficiency. Symptoms such as yellowing of the youngest leaves with dark leaf veins occur primarily in the case of waterlogging and high pH values. In addition to soil-improving measures such as optimising the soil structure and water balance, the iron supply can be specifically improved via the leaves. Early and regular foliar fertilisation with Lebosol®-HeptaIron, a particularly well-tolerated foliar iron fertiliser, helps to prevent or remedy iron chlorosis and support the plant's water transport and stress tolerance. Lebosol®-HeptaIron is also authorised for organic cultivation.

Application recommendation: Apply Lebosol®-HeptaIron 2 – 6 times at 3 – 7 litres/ha via the foliage or apply 25 – 40 ml (with 1 litre of water) via the soil as a lance or band treatment per vine.

Promotion of sugar formation and wood ripening

Potassium for more stress-tolerant vines

How does potassium influence the sugar formation and frost hardiness of vines? Potassium plays a decisive role in sugar formation and improves wood ripening, which in turn increases frost hardiness. A severe potassium deficiency can lead to leaf edge necrosis in the grape zone in summer, poor wood ripening and increased sensitivity to frost. Disturbances in the water balance favour wilt symptoms, and grape quality suffers due to delayed ripening and shrinkage of the berries.

Foliar fertilisers such as Lebosol®-Potassium 450 help to compensate for potassium deficiency in a targeted manner via the leaves. We recommend 2 – 3 applications at 5 litres/ha.

Magnesium deficiency and stalk paralyses –

Observe the potassium-magnesium ratio

Magnesium deficiency often occurs in young plants and can be recognised early on by yellow and brown leaves that wither and die. Yielding plants are also affected if the potassium-magnesium ratio is disturbed. These imbalances increase the susceptibility of the vines to stem rot, a physiological disorder that affects the cell structure of the grape stems, causing both yield and quality losses.

The use of Lebosol®-Magnesium 400 SC can improve the magnesium supply in a targeted manner and helps to prevent stalk rot. Alternatively, the combined use of magnesium and sulphur via Lebosol®-MagSOFT SC offers an additional effective solution.

Berry skin firmness and calcium supply for stable yields

Storage and transport stability of table grapes

Calcium plays a decisive role in building the cell walls and is therefore essential for the firmness of the berry skin. Regular treatments with Lebosol®-Calcium-Forte SC, which contains calcium formate as a particularly well-tolerated source of calcium, increase the calcium content in the berries and improve the firmness of the berry skin.

This has a positive effect on the firmness of the berries and on the storage and transport stability of table grapes. Application is recommended 2 – 4 times at 4 – 8 litres/ha, ideally towards the end of the flowering period to achieve the best possible effect.

Questions about foliar fertilisation in wine grapes?

Do you have a problem with wine grape cultivation or questions about using our products? We will be happy to advise you.

These products from Lebosol® are particularly popular in viticulture: